
Welcome to The 94 Percent. 

We have a lot to say.

Now Y'all Wanna Wash Your Hands?

Now Y'all Wanna Wash Your Hands?

Sorry for going silent on y’all. The three of us have been trying to navigate new life events and in the process, we been lacking in new content. We sorry. FORGIVE US!!!!! Anywho, back to what I’m really here to talk about.

Anyone else feel that Mother Nature is slowly but surely plotting her revenge against the human species? It’s like she took a deep breathe and stated “Ok, I’m done with y’all” and created this virus out of the blue. That’s how I feel about the Corona virus. Some random flu strand that evolved in Wuhan, China and has made it’s way to America is causing the white population to freak out and stockpiling all the cleaning supplies. Grant it, I believe that we should protect ourselves and maintain safe hygiene practices, but folks are acting like they just got a wake up call. Have y’all been in Target lately??? Folks are buying out the store like they are prepping for the end of days, and if this virus keeps spreading like it is, we just might be.

While I’m comfortable with my routine cleaning practices , I know that others aren’t as mindful which is why this virus is spreading faster than butter. Folks who are used to walking through life doing whatever with their germs are being forced to maintain a clean lifestyle. I mean, cleaning supplies are being dug out of the back closet in the workplace, mandatory rules are in place that you will be sent home if you feel ill, and washing your hands any chance you get is must. Like, there is no excuse and I have no problem giving side eye to anyone who doesn’t cover their mouths when they sneeze or thinks it’s cool not to wash their hands after using the bathroom. “coughs* (Adrienne Bailon) While I’m comfortable that my melanin protects me from most things, I have a hard time trusting the lot of you who just started practicing cleanliness. You’re new here and you’re still learning.

While I encourage everyone to maintain their cleaning habits, I will encourage you to filter out your news sourcing. We live in a time where accurate reporting is at a all time low and the news relies heavily on click bait to increase their website traffic. Educate yourself on what COVID-19 is, how to recognize the symptoms, and what to do if have come in contact with someone who tested positive. Listen to actual doctors who are discussing this and take heed to what they have to say. It’s so easy for misinformation for spread and the only way to beat this is with useful information. Also, stock up on Vitamin C and Zinc, your immune system is your strongest defense so make sure it’s up and running.

I can’t lie, seeing “them” get upset about having to wash their hands has been pretty amusing, but also scary. You would think that “they” would know better after plagues and diseases have taken out entire communities, but no. The mere thought of having to use soap and water has them in a tizzy and it sucks because the group that is must vulnerable to this virus is the elderly. So the next time you see Rebecca complaining about having to sanitize their hands or buying up all the toilet paper in Target, don’t hesitate to let them know that this isn’t a time to play games. No one has time for your germs, Becky.

Stay safe out there guys and if you have any additional tips or news that we should share, please reach out to us. We will be happy to spread the word.

Rested And Rejuvenated....Sort Of

Rested And Rejuvenated....Sort Of

I Am Ready For Love

I Am Ready For Love