
Welcome to The 94 Percent. 

We have a lot to say.

Rested And Rejuvenated....Sort Of

Rested And Rejuvenated....Sort Of

It’s been quite a while since I’ve sat down to write something that wasn’t work related. When everything started shutting down, I went into survival mode and it was hard trying to write things that were positive and uplifting. I realized that my cup was slowly running empty, so it was best that I stepped away from the blog and focus on mental health. Even though things are no where near normal, I’ve had enough time and some insightful sessions with my therapist to return to this site that I love so much. I figured the best way to ease back into this routine was to give you some updates on what’s being on with me and talk about a few current events and happenings. Thankfully, all three of us are back in some capacity so everything will be covered adequately.

Life in Quarantine

Quarantine has been quite the journey filled with highs and lows. While rest and reflection were needed, there was something about being forced to stay home rather having the choice that really pulled at my mind. The anxiety of not knowing what’s going to happen next or if we would be able to gather again with friends and loved ones caused several sleepless nights. My dreams were crazy and didn’t make sense. I have to be honest, the month of April was a blur because of all the emotions I experienced. On the bright side, I was able to complete several home projects that I had been putting off, and I’ve connected with family and friends on a new level. We still aren’t over the hump yet, but at least the dark clouds are starting to clear up just a bit.

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Insecure, Season 4
Thank God for black programming. Since everyone is home these days, television and streaming services have been crucial in keeping us sane. One of our favorites “Insecure” returned for Season 4 and this season was a rollercoaster. We witnessed the breakdown of Issa and Molly’s friendship, a possible reconnection with Lawerence and Issa, and a season ending that mirrored an episode of “The Game.” While I enjoyed this season, it was hard watching Molly and Issa struggle in their friendship. Honestly, it hit close to home because it was similar to the breakdown of my close friendship. Those moments where you know something is off, but not wanting to address them. The build up to a big fight and having those tough, but honest conversations. It was like watching a replay of my life. From the looks of the Season finale, their relationship could be salvaged, but it definitely won’t be the same.

Dating During A Pandemic

There’s been lot of conversations amongst my friend groups about whether or not dating during quarantine is possible and I have to admit, I’m indifferent. While I’m not a believer that most men will suddenly become conversationists overnight, I do believe that if there was potential before the world shut down, then you can build on it while maintaining social distancing. Since physical contact is not an option at the moment, people are being forced to open up and make true connections. If you’re talking with someone who can’t think of creative ways to connect and is trying to pressure you into meeting physically, cut them off. It’s clear that they don’t value their life nor yours. As for me, I don’t have definite answer right now on my dating situation. Still trying to figure things out so check back with me in a month and I might have an answer for you.


Are We Really Getting Racism Outta Here?
Not only we are fighting to survive a pandemic and economic collapse, but African Americans are still fighting for basic humanity. In the midst of quarantine, we learned of the shooting deaths of Ahmaud Aubrey, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. Two of them happened at the hands of police officers and the third at the hands of racist white men. While the killers of Ahmaud and George have been arrested and charged, we are still fighting for justice for Breonna. Protestors have taken to the streets for 30 days calling for drastic reforms to police units and an end to systemic racism. While we appreciate companies and corporations making changes to their staff and getting rid of racist symbols, these changes should have been made years ago. It’s 2020 and we are still fighting voter suppression, inequality in the healthcare system, environmental racism, and getting rid of racist relics. The month of June became Part 2 of Black History Month. The fight is far from over, but I’m happy to witness the changes that are being made.

Who would have thought on New Years Eve that 2020 was going turn out like this? You could have told me that a pack of murder hornets would rise up to destroy earth and I would have believed that instead of current state of affairs. While I’m sad that all of the exciting weddings, baby showers, and fun trips this year have been canceled, I’ve grown to see the bigger picture and that is 2020 is truly a reset moment for us. We got caught up in the rat race of our lives that just sitting down at the dinner table for a meal is a time for self reflection. In my lowest moments, my father would remind me that he knows that I’m going to come out of this stronger than how I started. While I fully believe him, it’s hard to see the light while you’re in the middle of it.

As we head towards the middle of summer, I want to encourage everyone to keep going to therapy, keep tapping into your circle of family and friends, and don’t be afraid to say you’re not ok. We are in uncharted territory while being led by unhinged leadership, but just as black people have done before us, we are going to make a way out of no way.

Talk to us. How are you spending your quarantine? How are you maintaining self care? What ways are you staying connected?

Where Is All This Coming From?

Where Is All This Coming From?

Now Y'all Wanna Wash Your Hands?

Now Y'all Wanna Wash Your Hands?